Studios // Records
Mastering , Mix , Overdubs , Production ,
and much more
Prices for Mastering for Streaming from 30 Euro depending on format
and lenght etc. Please inquire.
Prices for Mastering to PQ-Coded CDrs for Glass Master or
CD-r copies.
Prices (ex. VAT ) for Mastering to PQ-Coded CDrs for Glass Master or
CD-r copies.
From Dat 48.000 Hz / 44.100 Hz CD-Audio + 200 Euro
CD-Rom 44.100 Hz / 48.000 AIFF, SDII ,Wav, MP3
1 Song 65 Euro - Max 5 songs at max 7 minutes each - 1 CD 550 Euro Max 80 min.
(One Run) Same settings for all songs (De-esser, EQ,
Comp/Expand, Limiter). Fade in / out .
For other needs, for example separate settings for each song,
delay/ reverb, or extra added effects, cuts / fades in songs , crossfades between songs etc.
- available according to special agreement by request
- price on inquiry
Also mixing, overdubs, producing and more., according to special agreement
Brak(e)man Productions , Brakophonic studios , Brakophonic records